

★★ [ @armirhaxhiiu ]★★
Kosovo! Although a super small country, @heterochromatics has received 2 heterochromia submissions so far.
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

148 5

★★ [ @sysy.el ]★★
two different eye colors in the same iris
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

287 8
#repost @kainebuffonge_ ・・・ Campaign for @et #repost @kainebuffonge_
Campaign for @etniabarcelona 🇪🇸 #KaineBuffonge for @heterochromatics

#repost @kainebuffonge_
Campaign for @etniabarcelona 🇪🇸 #KaineBuffonge for @heterochromatics

167 3
★★ [ @lotta_soikkanen ]★★ Mom from Korea, ★★ [ @lotta_soikkanen ]★★
Mom from Korea, dad from Finland = magic happened.
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @lotta_soikkanen ]★★
Mom from Korea, dad from Finland = magic happened.
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

868 25

#repost @_anatomia_
L’iridodonesi è una condizione molto particolare che prevede l’iride della persona fluttuare/tremare all’interno del suo spazio in concomitanza dei movimenti dell’occhio, come possiamo ben osservare. Generalmente la situazione è causata da una sublussazione del cristallino che può essere secondaria a traumi, assenze congenite del cristallino o anche da complicazioni derivanti da interventi oftalmochirurgici, specialmente quelli al cristallino. Nel caso di questa persona la causa del problema è da ricondurre ad un trauma. Spesso questa situazione non compromette la funzione della vista e dei movimenti oculari. Generalmente occorre una correzione chirurgica per fissare bene il cristallino.
This is a particular condition called #iridodonesis. It’s characterized by a vibration of the #iris during eye‘s normal movements. In this case it was caused by trauma to the #eye, but it can also be caused by lens subluxation, absence of the lens or complications during eye’s surgery. Most affected individuals exhibit normal ocular function and no loss of vision.

Post suggested by @ireforpell for @heterochromatics

389 28

★★ [ @newyorkchesson ]★★
Very nice hazel and brown partial heterochromia
5 y/o
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

365 3
★★ [ @harperroseharden ]★★ This little gir ★★ [ @harperroseharden ]★★
This little girl is developing Heterochromatic eyes
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @harperroseharden ]★★
This little girl is developing Heterochromatic eyes
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

585 3
★★ [ @eye.fascination ]★★ Central heteroch ★★ [ @eye.fascination ]★★
Central heterochromia occurs when 2 or 3 (super rare condition) different eye colors in the same eye are clearly separated and NOT blended as happens in the #Hazel eyes
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @eye.fascination ]★★
Central heterochromia occurs when 2 or 3 (super rare condition) different eye colors in the same eye are clearly separated and NOT blended as happens in the #Hazel eyes
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

1112 3
★★ [ @_elizabethevan_ ]★★ This little ange ★★ [ @_elizabethevan_ ]★★
This little angel with her gorgeous mommy
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @_elizabethevan_ ]★★
This little angel with her gorgeous mommy
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

299 4
★★ [ @kingulaxx ]★★ Light brown and dark b ★★ [ @kingulaxx ]★★
Light brown and dark brown complete heterochromia? - yes, we have this combo in our crew🦾
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @kingulaxx ]★★
Light brown and dark brown complete heterochromia? - yes, we have this combo in our crew🦾
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

283 1
★★ [ @maajimag ]★★ Hii❤ I have heterochr ★★ [ @maajimag ]★★ Hii❤
I have heterochromia and very poor eyesight since childhood. A couple of years ago, due to an injury, I had anisocoria. As a result, I was left 
without a retina in one eye.

From #ukraine
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @maajimag ]★★ Hii❤
I have heterochromia and very poor eyesight since childhood. A couple of years ago, due to an injury, I had anisocoria. As a result, I was left
without a retina in one eye.

From #ukraine
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

329 4

★★ [ @lubalces1903 ]★★
From #bolivia
Partial and central heterochromia
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

380 0

★★ [ @silent_z ]★★
💚🧡 complete heterochromia
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

190 1
★★ [ @__.k.tauba.z.__ ]★★
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

★★ [ @__.k.tauba.z.__ ]★★
was built for the noble purpose to gather all the #twocoloredeyed #mutantandproud Heterochromatics from all over the world, giving voice to this colorful genetic mutation and spreading awareness.

Check “The Book” highlight in the profile.
Founder @sweetvitamea
✿ 🇲 🇮 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇴✿
#heterochromia #awareness #heterochromatics #incredibleeyes #eyecloseup #geneticmutation #eyes #eyephotography #irises #segmentalheterochromia #Heterochromaticeyes #oddeyes #embraceyourbeauty #macropic #differenteyes #twoeyecolors #completeheterochromia #heterochromiairidum #genetics #perfectimperfection #completeheterochromia

812 8
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